Tailgating Can Lead to Serious Injuries

Tailgating Can Lead to Serious InjuriesTailgating, a risky driving behavior that involves following a vehicle too closely, has become an all-too-familiar sight on the busy streets of Oklahoma City. This hazardous practice occurs when a driver neglects to maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front, leaving minimal room for reaction in case of sudden stops or emergencies. The implications of tailgating are extensive, with potential consequences that go beyond the immediate drivers involved. It’s important to recognize that tailgating is not merely an inconvenience; it’s a dangerous behavior with grave repercussions for both individual drivers and the community at large.

In an area like Oklahoma City, where traffic congestion can vary from busy interstates to city streets, the dangers of tailgating are magnified. The speed differentials on these roads often mean that it only takes a fraction of a second to result in disastrous outcomes. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), rear-end collisions account for a substantial portion of accidents. In fact, they made up 32.5% of all accidents in 2019. Those numbers could likely be even higher in Oklahoma City, since Oklahoma itself was ranked the fourth worst state in the U.S. with road rage.

Tailgating can make any car accident worse

Driving down the bustling Oklahoma City streets only highlights the potential impact tailgating can have on road safety. Imagine driving down the road, and the car ahead suddenly brakes. If you’re tailgating and too close, reacting swiftly to stop your car becomes difficult, possibly resulting in a collision with the car in front. But the situation can escalate further. If the car behind you is also tailgating, they might not manage to stop in time either. This can lead to their car crashing into yours from behind, creating a domino effect of collisions involving multiple vehicles.

This chain reaction-style accident can spark numerous issues. The damage to the cars involved—and the people inside of them—can be quite severe. When cars collide one after the other, the force of impact adds up. This means that the damage to the vehicles can be much worse than if it was just a simple two-car collision. Not only does this lead to expensive repairs, but it also puts drivers and passengers at a higher risk of getting hurt.

Injuries resulting from tailgating

The injuries that are often sustained during a tailgating car accident can be pretty devastating.

Some common injuries sustained in tailgating accidents include:

  • Whiplash – A neck injury that happens when your head jerks forward and then backward suddenly, causing strain on the neck muscles and ligaments.
  • Back injuries – Including sprains, strains, and even fractures in the spine due to the force of impact in a tailgating accident.
  • Broken bones – The impact of a tailgating collision can lead to broken bones, especially in the arms, legs, and ribs, as passengers can be thrown against hard surfaces.
  • Head injuries – These range from mild concussions to more severe traumatic brain injuries, which can result in various degrees of cognitive and physical impairment. They can also be temporary or permanent.
  • Spinal cord injuries – These affect mobility and even lead to paralysis, depending on the location and extent of the injury.

Legal options for tailgating accident victims in Oklahoma City

When someone in Oklahoma City is a victim of a tailgating car accident, there are legal steps they can take to seek help and compensation. The law is there to make sure people are treated fairly and to help those who have been hurt due to someone else’s negligence.

If you were involved in a tailgating accident, you have the right to take legal action. This might mean going to court to ask for compensation for the things that went wrong because of the accident. Some types of compensation you may be awarded in court include:

  • Medical expenses – For the costs of medical treatment, including hospital stays, surgeries, doctor visits, medication, and therapy related to your injuries.
  • Lost wages – For the income you couldn’t earn because your injuries prevented you from working, or you needed time off for medical appointments and recovery.
  • Pain and suffering – For the physical and emotional distress you experienced due to the accident, including pain, anxiety, and trauma.
  • Emotional distress – For the psychological impact of the accident, which can include anxiety, depression, and other emotional hardships.
  • Loss of enjoyment – For the loss of ability to enjoy life’s activities and hobbies that you used to participate in before the accident.
  • Property damage – For repairing or replacing your damaged vehicle and any other personal property that was affected in the accident.
  • Punitive damages – Additional compensation intended to punish the at-fault driver for their reckless behavior, which caused the accident. These damages are meant to discourage similar behavior in the future.

Remember, the types of compensation you can receive depend on the specific circumstances of your case. It’s important to consult with an experienced Oklahoma City car accident attorney to understand which types of compensation you might be eligible for based on your situation.

In the aftermath of a tailgating-related car accident, navigating the legal process might seem overwhelming. However, you don’t have to face it alone. The experienced legal team at Cunningham & Mears is here to guide you through seeking the justice and compensation you deserve. Our attorneys are here for you and are dedicated to helping you recover physically, emotionally, and financially. If you were involved in a car accident and were hurt by the person tailgating you, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for a free consultation. We’re here to stand by your side and fight for your best interests. Call our office in OKC or submit our contact form today.