What Can A Car Accident Attorney Do For My Case?

After a car accident, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. When the accident was not your fault, you are likely dealing with physical injuries, damage to your vehicle, time off work and dealing with insurance companies. All of this, in addition to emotional stress, can cause a great deal of financial worries. Fortunately, you don’t have to go through the aftermath of an auto accident alone. Working with an experienced car accident attorney can take some of the burden off and give you time to heal from your injuries.

Unfortunately, nobody is immune from being involved in an auto accident. In 2018, the state of Oklahoma saw 12,704 injuries from car accidents, with 655 fatalities. Car and truck accidents can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere and for a wide variety of reasons. If you’ve suffered injury or property damage in a car accident because of someone else’s careless, an auto accident attorney can work to ensure you’re compensated for your losses.

How can an Oklahoma City car accident lawyer help me?

After an auto accident, the insurance company may quickly offer you a settlement. You should always talk to an attorney before making a statement to or signing anything from the insurance company. They’re looking out for their best interests, not yours. Personal injury attorneys have the knowledge and experience to maximize the value of your claim, taking into account every detail of your loss. For example, he or she can:

  • Tell you what legal rights you have
  • Offer advice
  • Represent you in court
  • Provide a better evaluation of the damages involving your case
  • Tackle your case from different sides
  • Talk to the other party’s insurance provider
  • Gather, structure, and present all the proper and relevant evidence and information
  • Organize your medical expenses
  • Talk with your doctors to ensure your medical records are complete and accessible
  • Negotiate favorable terms for compensation and/or settlement

Dos and don’ts during your car accident case

Although your Oklahoma city auto accident attorney can handle most of the details of your case, there are several things you should do – and shouldn’t do – to make your case run more smoothly and give you the best chance for success.

For example, you should give your attorney copies of your bills, let your attorney know at once when your physicians discharge you and you go back to work, and inform your attorney of any and all changes to your contact information, such as a new address.

On the other hand, you should not talk to anyone – with the exception of your attorney and physicians – about your case, sign any documents regarding your case without first consulting with your attorney, or change physicians without notifying your attorney.

At Cunningham & Mears, our injury lawyers are committed to helping victims of motor vehicle accidents. We negotiate and fight on your behalf to ensure you secure the compensation you deserve for your injuries, losses and damages. To learn more, contact us or call 405-212-9234.