Electric Shock

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Oklahoma City Lawyers When Electric Shock Accidents Take a Life or Cause Physical Harm

Strong advocacy when construction companies and manufacturers fail to protect their workers

Electric shock is a leading cause of death and injury at construction sites. According to the Electronic Library of Construction Occupational Safety and Health (ELCOSH):

  • 143 construction workers die for electrocutions yearly
  • Electrocutions are the fourth leading cause of construction accident fatalities
  • Over ½ of electrocution deaths are caused by direct or indirect contact with light fixtures, circuit breakers, transformers, and other types of wiring and electrical equipment

Contact with machinery, portable lights, and power tools are other common causes of electric shock to electrical workers and non-electricians such as roofers and carpenters.

At Cunningham & Mears, our attorneys are dedicated to helping victims and their families get justice. We work with electrical engineers and other professionals to determine the cause of the accident. We have been able to get strong recoveries because we understand how to prove liability and how to convince juries, judges, and insurance adjustors of the long-term difficulties you face. We detail your daily physical pain and continual emotional suffering. We take great pride in being the Oklahoma injury law firm you can trust.

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  • Call 405-232-1212 now or fill out the form above to receive a free confidential consultation.

Why electrical shock accidents happen on Oklahoma construction sites

Our lawyers review the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) laws and building codes to determine if the construction site was following recommended safety standards. We consult with professionals who understand what protective measures should have been taken. For example, OSHA has specific work clearance distance requirements depending on the number of volts the power lines carry.

In addition to following OSHA regulations and local building codes rules, construction site owners and contractors should:

  • Train their employees on electrical safety
  • Contact utility lines before work starts to coordinate the use of power lines and to insulate them
  • Understand when de-energizing circuits and parts is practical and when it is hazardous
  • Ensure that their workers have the proper tools and protective gear
  • Make sure power tools and machines are properly grounded or insulated
  • Clear any metal objects away from where electrical work is being done

Construction accidents can also be due to failing to follow machinery and equipment usage instructions or improper placement of power and extension cords.

The common types of electric shock accidents are:

  • Direct contact with an energized power line
  • Direct contact with electronic equipment
  • A collision between a truck, crane, forklift or other movable object and a power line
  • Defective machinery and equipment
  • Improper use of equipment that conducts electricity
  • Arc burns from electricity

Electric shock injuries can be life-altering

Many electric shock accidents lead to electrocution, which is a fatal injury. The severity of electric shock is usually related to the amperage that passes through the victims’ body. Survivors can suffer:

  • Heart attack or heart failure
  • Burns
  • Unconsciousness
  • Brain damage
  • Damage to the victim’s respiratory system
  • Damage to internal organs

Many survivors are unable to work again. They also often are unable to perform daily chores and tasks and cannot enjoy life’s pleasures.

Personal Injury Lawyers in OKC

Types of electric shock lawsuits

Our Oklahoma City lawyers work to settle cases when that is better for our clients. However, we are always ready to litigate your case if that is in your best interest. We primarily handle claims involving:

  • Wrongful death. Tragically, electric shock often kills. At Cunningham & Mears, we understand how devastating it is to lose a parent, child, or loved one. We understand no amount of compensation will fully compensate any family members. We do work to obtain what Oklahoma laws permits:
    • Payment of all funeral expenses
    • The amount of income the deceased would have provided the family members
    • Compensation for the loss of guidance and support the deceased would have given spouse, children, and others
    • The personal grief of suffering of the family members
  • Premises liability. If a non-employee survivor was shocked, we bring claims against the construction site owners and all other responsible parties for negligence. Negligence is failing to take necessary steps or taking steps that were unreasonable.
  • Product liability. If a design or manufacturing defect led to electric shock, we can file a claim against the company which designed and/or created the product. If the risk for chock was present but not accounted for, we may claim failure to warn.
  • Workers’ compensation. If the victim was an employee, then our lawyers seek payment of all medical bills and the wage loss amounts state law authorizes. We also seek vocational rehabilitation if a worker can’t do his/her old job. In death cases, we pursue payment for medical bills and statutory wage loss benefits – usually in the form of a lump sum settlement.

Delay can hurt your claim. The sooner our lawyers can investigate the cause of the accident, the better we can assess who was liable. We also help direct clients to the right physicians when necessary.

OKC Personal Injury Lawyers

Reach out to our experienced electric shock accident lawyers today

It is important to move quickly when accidents happen. At Cunningham & Mears, our Oklahoma City lawyers need to move especially fast in electric shock cases because we need to verify how the shock happened. Dangerous lines and equipment are usually taken out of service immediately. Our team needs to review the sources as quickly as possible to verify the source was defective or that safety steps weren’t taken. For help now, please contact us or phone us 405-232-1212 to discuss your case with one of our dependable attorneys.