Oil Rig Explosion Injures Two in Wewoka
An oil rig caught fire and exploded in Wewoka, about an hour outside of Oklahoma City, and injured two workers. The explosion occurred on April 2 while workers were installing an oil and gas pumping unit near Highway 56.
Two workers were injured in the accident. One was evacuated by helicopter to a hospital in Oklahoma City with serious injuries. The other was treated locally with minor injuries. According to Fire Chief Kevin Green, a motor backfired and ignited natural gas.
The oil rig was still burning off natural gas 24 hours later, but the fire was under control.
Why do oil rig explosions occur?
This particular accident happened due to a backfiring motor, but oil rig explosions are unfortunately common, and can happen for any number of reasons. Oil companies have a duty of responsibility to ensure their workers are safe, and if they’re negligent in that responsibility, accidents can occur and people can be hurt or killed.
The presence of flammable materials and the potential for leaks make oil rigs susceptible to fires and explosions. Some of the reasons these types of accidents occur include:
- Defective equipment
- Violations of safety rules
- Worn or corroded equipment
- Poor maintenance of pipelines
- Unsafe use of equipment
- Malfunctioning or defective ventilation systems
What injuries can result from an oil rig explosion?
Explosions can be devastating accidents, no matter what the cause. They can result in terrible injuries and sometimes death. These injuries can include:
- Burns. The resulting fire and heat from an explosion can cause serious and extensive burns. Severe burns can cause disfigurement, scars, and physical impairment.
- Traumatic brain injuries. Blows to the head as a result of an explosion can cause injury to the brain. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can cause permanent effects. Even if a worker’s head doesn’t strike anything, sometimes just the force of an explosion can cause a concussion. TBIs can cause cognitive issues, severe headaches, and memory loss, among other things.
- Spinal cord injuries. The strong force of an explosion can throw a worker to the ground, into a machine, or other hard surface. This impact can cause injuries like damage to the spinal cord. Spinal cord injuries can cause serious and long-term disability, including paralysis.
- Again, the force of an explosion can be so destructive it can cause the amputation of a worker’s limb. Or, other injuries are so severe from the explosion that amputation ends up being necessary.
- Wrongful death. Large oil rig explosions can be fatal. Some result in dozens of fatalities.
If you sustained a serious injury as a result of an oil rig explosion, you may be eligible for compensation by the oil company as well as other parties. As an oil field worker, your safety on the job should never be compromised. Talk to the OKC oil field injury lawyers at Cunningham & Mears about your legal options. We’re here to protect the workers of Oklahoma. For a free consultation at our offices, call 405-232-1212 or fill out our contact form today.

Ryan Y. Cunningham is a founding partner of Cunningham & Mears. Mr. Cunningham devotes his practice to protecting the rights of injured Oklahoma residents. In addition to assisting injured clients, Mr. Cunningham endeavors to improve personal injury representation by speaking on issues related to personal injury law to attorneys in continuing legal education courses and to law students. Learn More