What Happens If I’m Injured in a Hit-and-Run Accident in Oklahoma City?

What Happens If I’m Injured in a Hit-and-Run Accident in Oklahoma City? In the realm of road safety, hit-and-run accidents have regrettably become an all-too-common occurrence, leaving victims not only physically injured but also facing the daunting challenge of pursuing compensation when the responsible party remains unidentified. These incidents, marked by a driver fleeing the scene, create a distressing scenario for those left in the aftermath. To navigate this unfortunate reality, having uninsured/underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM) coverage proves to be a wise and essential strategy. If or when the driver who hit you is identified, having an experienced personal injury attorney will help ensure that you receive just compensation for your injuries.

Hit-and-run accidents in Oklahoma

Using the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office interactive crash map, we can actually look at the raw numbers concerning hit-and-run accidents in 2021. In total, 2021 saw 175 hit-and-run accidents. Of those accidents, there were 202 people injured, and at least 10 people were killed. In 15 of the accidents, alcohol was a factor, and in five of those accidents, distracted driving played a role.

Just this month, a woman was found on the ground beside her wheelchair, grievously injured from a hit-and-run accident. The woman was taken to the hospital where she later died. The driver who had hit her originally fled from the accident, but she called in a few days later: “Daniela Montoya told investigators that she was returning home from the gym when ‘something appeared in front of her,’ and she hit it. Montoya said she did not stop at the time because it was dark and she was afraid to stop.”

Steps to take after you are in a hit-and-run accident

If you’ve been injured in a hit-and-run accident in Oklahoma City, it’s important to take specific steps to protect yourself and seek compensation:

  • Do not chase the other driver: Resist the temptation to chase the fleeing vehicle. Chasing can lead to further risks and complications. Instead, prioritize your safety and the safety of others on the road.
  • Contact the police immediately: Call the police as soon as possible to report the hit-and-run. Provide them with as much information as you can, such as the license plate number, make, and model of the car. This information is crucial for their investigation.
  • Seek medical care: Even if you don’t believe your injuries are severe, seek medical attention promptly. Adrenaline can mask the true impact of injuries, and a medical examination creates a documented record of your injuries. This record can be vital when dealing with insurance companies.
  • Gather witness information: If there were witnesses to the accident, try to gather their contact information. Witness statements can be valuable when dealing with insurance claims or legal actions.
  • Document injuries and damages: If possible, document your injuries and any damages to your vehicle. Take photos of the scene, your injuries, and any visible damage. This documentation can serve as evidence in insurance claims and legal proceedings.
  • Report the incident to your insurance company: Report the hit-and-run to your own insurance company. Comply with all necessary protocols and inform them of the incident. If the authorities cannot locate the perpetrator, your insurance policy’s uninsured motorist provision may provide compensation.
  • Follow up with law enforcement: Stay in contact with the police regarding the progress of their investigation. Provide any additional information they may need to help track down the responsible party.

With the help of an experienced Oklahoma City personal injury attorney, these steps can help you maximize your chances of receiving compensation for medical expenses, vehicle damages, and other losses resulting from the hit-and-run accident.

The importance of uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage

While uninsured motorist (UM) and underinsured motorist (UIM) coverage are not required when you’re getting car insurance, UM/UIM coverage proves indispensable in hit-and-run accidents, where the responsible party flees the scene or cannot be identified. In such unfortunate situations, victims often face challenges in pursuing compensation. UM/UIM coverage acts as a financial safety net, stepping in to provide coverage for medical expenses, property damage, and other losses when the at-fault party is either uninsured or lacks sufficient insurance. In the context of hit-and-run incidents, where identifying the responsible driver is a common challenge, UM/UIM coverage becomes a crucial asset. This coverage ensures that victims do not bear the financial burden of their injuries and damages alone, offering a vital layer of protection.

By securing UM/UIM coverage, you can proactively fortify your insurance policies, mitigate the potential hardships associated with hit-and-run accidents, and ensure you have recourse for compensation even when the responsible party remains elusive.

In the aftermath of a hit-and-run accident, enlisting the support of a seasoned Oklahoma City personal injury lawyer is crucial. At Cunningham & Mears, our Oklahoma City legal team is familiar with the intricacies of hit-and-run cases. Our role extends beyond legal representation; we bring a wealth of expertise to meticulously investigate the incident, identify the responsible party, and gather compelling evidence that fortifies your case. Navigating interactions with insurance companies becomes seamless under our guidance, ensuring your rights are safeguarded, and you receive equitable compensation for medical expenses, property damage, and other incurred losses. If you have been injured in a hit-and-run accident, schedule a free consultation by calling us today in Oklahoma City, or by using our contact form.